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Package North American RA-5C Vigilante - US Navy for FSX/P3Dv4/P3Dv55 (J Package North American RA-5C Vigilante - US Navy for FSX/P3Dv4/P3Dv55 (JYAI) HOT

This AI package features the North American RA-5C Vigilante. It was derived from the US Navy A-5A carrier-based supersonic bomber, but service in this capacity was relatively brief due to the de-emphasising of manned bombers in the USA’s nuclear strategy. The RA-5C saw prominence in the tactical strike and reconnaissance role from 1963, with extensive service during the Vietnam war. 150 examples were built or converted from the bomber version. The last aircraft were retired from service in 1978. The package features 12 aircraft from 3 US Navy squadrons that were among the last to retire. Both land-based and carrier-based models and FDE’s are included, along with a LS-43AI Photo Flash pod option. When not embarked on carriers, the last aircraft, featured were based at NAS Key West in Florida. Flight plans, Key West scenery and suitable carriers are also included or linked to downloads. My thanks to Tim Collins for his work on the FSX and P3D versions of the scenery. A separate FS9 download is available, along with a paint kit for all sim versions.

Image1103 Image2932 Image3913
Created 30 April 2022
Version FSX_P3D
Size 18.48 MB
Compatibility FSX/P3Dv4
Author This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Downloads 643
License Freeware (Limited Distribution)