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Search found 9544 matches

by Firebird
Today, 15:03
Forum: General Projects
Topic: Waypoints for flight plans
Replies: 4
Views: 46

Re: Waypoints for flight plans

I don't think that the Matrix is available any more. The reason is that it wasn't a package as such but more of a management system where you used it to download and update your installation as you saw fit. The data was stored on our servers. One Greg realised it was no longer possible for him to ov...
by Firebird
31 Jan 2025, 12:13
Forum: JYAI
Topic: Thoughts on the next project
Replies: 576
Views: 55679

Re: Thoughts on the next project

John, I think he is asking for the original Jolly, the HH3, rather than the HH-60.
by Firebird
26 Jan 2025, 13:04
Forum: AI Repaints
Topic: AIAE duplicate errors.
Replies: 6
Views: 116

Re: AIAE duplicate errors.

Have you run the renum on the .cfg file either in the app or manually. Quite often when you add textures you will get this if you lose track numerically and you don't renum.
by Firebird
18 Jan 2025, 12:04
Forum: JYAI
Topic: Thoughts on the next project
Replies: 576
Views: 55679

Re: Thoughts on the next project

Hopefully, I am not confusing things here or making it worse, John. It seems that the original mil versions of the Dauphin 2 were based on the SA365N, it was later transformed into the AS565 Panther. Whether there is any physical differences I don't know. Just to throw a small spanner in the confusi...
by Firebird
13 Jan 2025, 14:59
Forum: Scenery Design
Topic: Library Creator Error message
Replies: 6
Views: 248

Re: Library Creator Error message

Well starting from the first line it says that it can't access D:\FSX\Addon Scenery\EGKR Redhill\scenery\Redhill_Library.xml because it is in use. Did you still have it open in an editor?
by Firebird
10 Jan 2025, 11:10
Forum: Screenshots
Topic: "Where Eagles Dare"
Replies: 31
Views: 3548

Re: "Where Eagles Dare"

I would tend to agree there, John. What is achievable in '24 is remarkable but it is hampered by the shear scale of the project. With FS9 it was far more limited so they could get resources to address issues. At the moment on the official '24 forums it tends to be a lot of people sounding off on how...
by Firebird
09 Jan 2025, 07:25
Forum: General Military AI Discussion
Topic: AI Aircraft appear at some bases but not others
Replies: 112
Views: 2460

Re: AI Aircraft appear at some bases but not others

The FS9 folder contains libs for FS9 and the FSX folder contains libs for FSX.
It is that simple. If you are using the wrong lib then objects will either not show or will have no textures.

If you are in any doubt compare the two folders. You should have the same number of comparable libs in each.
by Firebird
09 Jan 2025, 06:00
Forum: General Military AI Discussion
Topic: AI Aircraft appear at some bases but not others
Replies: 112
Views: 2460

Re: AI Aircraft appear at some bases but not others

MAIW Scenery Library Objects folder is for FS9, MAIW Scenery Library Objects FSX is for FSX.
by Firebird
03 Jan 2025, 21:25
Forum: JYAI
Topic: Minot AFB North Dakota
Replies: 31
Views: 1210

Re: Minot AFB North Dakota

Well worth the effort, I feel.
by Firebird
29 Dec 2024, 07:49
Forum: Other Design Discussions
Topic: Marine Corps CH-53 Sea Stallions
Replies: 12
Views: 533

Re: Marine Corps CH-53 Sea Stallions

I did a quick check and Mark didn't do flight plans with his Sqns. It seems like nobody else ever released an archive of plans only.
It seems that the best chance is that somebody who created plans for themselves is kind enough to zip them up and make them available.
by Firebird
23 Dec 2024, 09:31
Forum: JYAI
Topic: JYAI C-130J Specials
Replies: 721
Views: 95671

Re: JYAI C-130J Specials

According to sources the L100-20 is a 2.5m stretch and the standard -30 is a 4.5m stretch. Therefore if you want complete accuracy you will have to stay with the HTAI model for those.
by Firebird
23 Dec 2024, 09:21
Forum: Other Design Discussions
Topic: Flight plans for the 909th ARS
Replies: 13
Views: 460

Re: Flight plans for the 909th ARS

If they are not included anywhere then try searching google. Quite often something like '909th ars callsign' will highlight a page that has an answer.
by Firebird
20 Dec 2024, 20:59
Forum: Other Design Discussions
Topic: Missing texture in scenery
Replies: 5
Views: 149

Re: Missing texture in scenery

There are flightplans out there that specifically mention the PAI model. Now it could be that people have amended those to fit the MAIW model, but with the issues that you had trying to get your system up and running they may be wary of trying to expect you to do that. It might be that somebody coul...
by Firebird
20 Dec 2024, 17:16
Forum: Other Design Discussions
Topic: Missing texture in scenery
Replies: 5
Views: 149

Re: Missing texture in scenery

Jim is the official keeper of everything. If he doesn't know it it has been lost in the circuits of time.
by Firebird
20 Dec 2024, 10:22
Forum: JYAI
Topic: Minot AFB North Dakota
Replies: 31
Views: 1210

Re: Minot AFB North Dakota

Nice work, JY.
by Firebird
18 Dec 2024, 10:47
Forum: General Military AI Discussion
Topic: AI Aircraft appear at some bases but not others
Replies: 112
Views: 2460

Re: AI Aircraft appear at some bases but not others

The most obvious reason that there is no traffic at a location is that that there is no traffic file that contains any movements for the airfield. If you have checked and found that you do have one or more traffic files that contain movements then the next thing to check is that you have the aircraf...
by Firebird
17 Dec 2024, 21:06
Forum: General Military AI Discussion
Topic: AI Aircraft appear at some bases but not others
Replies: 112
Views: 2460

Re: AI Aircraft appear at some bases but not others

I will believe you. I just feel that if you have issues then simplify it as much as possible. Now if you will were to simplify it and you still had issues then there is something else at issue other than paths. Sometimes you have to go back to basics to find the issue. Keep of a copy of your preferr...
by Firebird
17 Dec 2024, 09:57
Forum: General Military AI Discussion
Topic: AI Aircraft appear at some bases but not others
Replies: 112
Views: 2460

Re: AI Aircraft appear at some bases but not others

Are you sure that full path names are acceptable rather than relative pathnames to the SimObjects folder?
If they are then try putting the pathname in quotes due to the spaces.

The other thing that could be a factor is that C:\Program Files (x86) is a restricted folder as far as the OS is concerned.
by Firebird
17 Dec 2024, 07:37
Forum: General Military AI Discussion
Topic: AI Aircraft appear at some bases but not others
Replies: 112
Views: 2460

Re: AI Aircraft appear at some bases but not others

Making a copy of the traffic files would not cause this issue - unless you deleted the originals as well. The traffic files have to be be found in a valid FSX path to be picked up, so on their own the files on your desktop would not be found. Now, the fact that AIFP couldn't find aircraft says that ...
by Firebird
16 Dec 2024, 20:46
Forum: General Military AI Discussion
Topic: AI Aircraft appear at some bases but not others
Replies: 112
Views: 2460

Re: AI Aircraft appear at some bases but not others

From what I see they should do. What I don't know enough about the sim is whether or not the config expects the defined folders under the default Simobjects location or not. I am still struggling to work out why you seem to be making it more complicated that i think it needs to be. Why are you placi...