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by JohnTenn
21 Jun 2024, 19:53
Forum: Camo repaints ltd
Topic: MAIW_WSMG F-16's
Replies: 261
Views: 12532

Re: MAIW_WSMG F-16's

by JohnTenn
21 Jun 2024, 18:56
Forum: Camo repaints ltd
Topic: MAIW_WSMG F-16's
Replies: 261
Views: 12532

Re: MAIW_WSMG F-16's


Canopy is still 100% opaque.

LOD's to 200 now.

Is the problem not the reflective texture?
by JohnTenn
21 Jun 2024, 16:41
Forum: Camo repaints ltd
Topic: MAIW_WSMG F-16's
Replies: 261
Views: 12532

Re: MAIW_WSMG F-16's

Steve I have installed your new models dated 06-21. Canopies are opaque. I the reinstalled models dated 03-26. Canopies are transparent. I am using two versions of AIAE. 2.2.8 for painting and to update cfg's etc. Canopies in both are black. Here are screenshots in sim at KIWA. https://1drv....
by JohnTenn
21 Jun 2024, 10:19
Forum: Camo repaints ltd
Topic: MAIW_WSMG F-16's
Replies: 261
Views: 12532

Re: MAIW_WSMG F-16's

F-16A Conversion pack 2. 1. All the models have Opaque canopies. They are not transparent at all. Background: Models of first issue of F-16a conversion pack 1: Models have transparent canopies. If you remove the textures for these models the canopies are still transparent. I would deduce from this t...
by JohnTenn
09 Jun 2024, 19:10
Forum: Camo repaints ltd
Topic: MAIW_WSMG F-16's
Replies: 261
Views: 12532

Re: MAIW_WSMG F-16's


My specs are:

Intel i5-9400F 2.9GHz
Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 6GB

FS9 screen resolution: 1280 960 32

1080p monitor

I will abide with your decision.



Lowest resolution I can get is 800 600 32

LOD_50 to LOD_100 switch occurs at 190m from F-16, front on.
by JohnTenn
08 Jun 2024, 16:26
Forum: Camo repaints ltd
Topic: MAIW_WSMG F-16's
Replies: 261
Views: 12532

Re: MAIW_WSMG F-16's


Thank you.

Awaiting your correspondence.

by JohnTenn
08 Jun 2024, 14:32
Forum: Camo repaints ltd
Topic: MAIW_WSMG F-16's
Replies: 261
Views: 12532

Re: MAIW_WSMG F-16's

Steve I really appreciate your willingness to entertain my request. I understand the make model issue and the lack of LOD's. I have compiled two models originally FSX for FS9. The models had only three LOD's. I imported them into Gmax smoothed them again and animated the parts I could. I exported th...
by JohnTenn
08 Jun 2024, 10:34
Forum: Camo repaints ltd
Topic: MAIW_WSMG F-16's
Replies: 261
Views: 12532

Re: MAIW_WSMG F-16's

Thank you for these models. I appreciate the effort that has gone into making them available for FS9. First small issue found when AI Flightplanner flagged the B version as not available. Duplicate: title= title=. The models are great. The animations seem to work well. I did notice a small flicker o...
by JohnTenn
23 Mar 2024, 16:28
Forum: Camo repaints ltd
Topic: MAIW_WSMG F-16's
Replies: 261
Views: 12532

Re: MAIW_WSMG F-16's

Steve For FS9 each LOD must have its own parts with LOD suffix. Simply put, if it has LOD_050 it will compile with the rest of the parts suffixed LOD_050. The LOD visibility switch has something to do with pixels visible on the screen. It changes if the aircraft is head-on or side-on. Also, the reso...
by JohnTenn
23 Mar 2024, 14:36
Forum: Camo repaints ltd
Topic: MAIW_WSMG F-16's
Replies: 261
Views: 12532

Re: MAIW_WSMG F-16's

Steve MakeMDL will always make the more detailed model double the LOD number of the second LOD. If your second LOD is LOD_60 then the main LOD will be LOD_120 the rest of them seem to compile as you set them. This is true for GMAX and FSDS. MakeMDL is also the compiler for MCX FS9 models. The main s...
by JohnTenn
25 Feb 2024, 19:11
Forum: Martin's Owl Corner
Topic: AI Aircraft Editor Version 4.2.1 released
Replies: 191
Views: 7591

Re: AI Aircraft Editor Version 4.2.1 released

Martin With reference to the "Show model in external viewer mode", the window is now useable to enlarge and reduce to smaller. It is now useable for me. The version of the model viewer does not show 1024 textures very well. Blurred at the seams. I much preferred the viewer in 3.40. That is...
by JohnTenn
20 Feb 2024, 09:07
Forum: Martin's Owl Corner
Topic: AI Aircraft Editor Version 4.2.1 released
Replies: 191
Views: 7591

Re: AI Aircraft Editor Version 4.2.1 released

Version 4.2.2

The external viewer replaces the main page. Only external viewer visible.

The external viewer has no controls to close or minimize the window.

I have to right click on the taskbar icon to restart AIAE or close window.

by JohnTenn
20 Feb 2024, 07:34
Forum: Martin's Owl Corner
Topic: AI Aircraft Editor Version 4.2.1 released
Replies: 191
Views: 7591

Re: AI Aircraft Editor Version 4.2.1 released


Is there a way to cycle back to the main page from external model viewer page?

I have to restart the editor.

The older versions had two pages open. Is this a fault or intentional?

by JohnTenn
02 Feb 2023, 09:34
Forum: AI Repaints
Topic: Casa 212 Spanish paint scheme
Replies: 6
Views: 763

Re: Casa 212 Spanish paint scheme

Search on for: Morne Pieters, and you will find it.
by JohnTenn
29 May 2022, 09:03
Forum: General Projects
Topic: John's Junk
Replies: 132
Views: 18311

Re: John's Junk


On the Mike Cronin model for FSX
by JohnTenn
28 May 2022, 12:05
Forum: General Projects
Topic: John's Junk
Replies: 132
Views: 18311

Re: John's Junk

For those of you who can actually see the difference.

I apologize to those of you who have the mauled FSX version.
by JohnTenn
26 May 2022, 18:38
Forum: AI Repaints
Topic: Moody A-10 Repaints
Replies: 33
Views: 2745

Re: Moody A-10 Repaints

Reggie wrote: 26 May 2022, 14:39 Why removed Johntenn?
To afford another his place in the sun. Not like anyone is going to know the difference anyway. No need for duplicates.
by JohnTenn
26 May 2022, 08:11
Forum: AI Repaints
Topic: Moody A-10 Repaints
Replies: 33
Views: 2745

Re: Moody A-10 Repaints

@ jim. I have requested that my paints be removed from the upload queue.
by JohnTenn
25 May 2022, 12:42
Forum: AI Repaints
Topic: Moody A-10 Repaints
Replies: 33
Views: 2745

Re: Moody A-10 Repaints

Files uploaded now.

48 paints for 74th and 75th FS and another package with 71st RQS.

You will need moody_afb,zip from Avsim library for flightplans. Mark Heimer put a great deal of effort into this.
Seems a shame to replace his paints for the RWAI A-10's.