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Search found 123 matches

by Bosshogg
10 Jun 2010, 19:11
Forum: Tech Talk
Topic: Another windows7 issue
Replies: 3
Views: 491

Re: Another windows7 issue

OK just tried that and it works. Thanks so much! Now I can install all MAIW packages.
by Bosshogg
10 Jun 2010, 13:29
Forum: Tech Talk
Topic: Another windows7 issue
Replies: 3
Views: 491

Another windows7 issue

Does anyone have the secret to placing addon scenery in fs9 using windows7. It seems the standard procedure doesn't work for me. When I select the desired scenery area folder it opens the folder instead of selecting it for adding in the addon scenery folder.
by Bosshogg
08 Jun 2010, 03:17
Forum: Tech Talk
Topic: Editvoicepack issue
Replies: 5
Views: 464

Re: Editvoicepack issue

OK, I got it working. Right now I'm having many issues with fs9 and windows7

by Bosshogg
08 Jun 2010, 01:23
Forum: Tech Talk
Topic: Editvoicepack issue
Replies: 5
Views: 464

Re: Editvoicepack issue

Windows 7
by Bosshogg
07 Jun 2010, 23:22
Forum: Tech Talk
Topic: Editvoicepack issue
Replies: 5
Views: 464

Editvoicepack issue

I just loaded it on a new computer, tried to update and save, but got this message: "unable to save: Access to the path "C:\program files\bevelstone production\editvoicepack data.xml is denied" Any ideas?

by Bosshogg
09 May 2010, 20:27
Forum: AI Repaints
Topic: RE: Skins help
Replies: 0
Views: 186

RE: Skins help

Never mind, found what I was looking for in the updated MAIW SWANG package.
by Bosshogg
09 May 2010, 18:23
Forum: AI Repaints
Topic: Skins help
Replies: 0
Views: 192

Skins help

U.A.E. repaints for HTAI F16 is not available @AVSIM or King's sit. Can anyone shre if you have them, or tell me where else to look? email-

by Bosshogg
23 Apr 2010, 19:30
Forum: General Military AI Discussion
Topic: Question regarding airports without AFCADS
Replies: 8
Views: 428

Re: Question regarding airports without AFCADS

OK, thanks for the help. I was concerned that AI would not fly the leg including the waypoint w/o AFCAD.
by Bosshogg
22 Apr 2010, 23:02
Forum: General Military AI Discussion
Topic: Question regarding airports without AFCADS
Replies: 8
Views: 428

Re: Question regarding airports without AFCADS

So what's the point of creating these waypoints without AFCADS? Is it just to have a location for AI to fly to between airports?
by Bosshogg
22 Apr 2010, 22:25
Forum: General Military AI Discussion
Topic: Question regarding airports without AFCADS
Replies: 8
Views: 428

Re: Question regarding airports without AFCADS

Thanks for replying. So if I am parked or orbiting in an aircraft at one of these points using lat/long, I will never see the AI aircraft approach? Or will an AI aircraft perform a TNG/LA as it does at AFCAD airports?
by Bosshogg
22 Apr 2010, 21:07
Forum: General Military AI Discussion
Topic: Question regarding airports without AFCADS
Replies: 8
Views: 428

Question regarding airports without AFCADS

I noticed some flightplan packages that contain fictitious aiports, such as warning areas, MOAs, etc, but do not contain AFCADS for those airports. How does an AI aircraft behave in that case?
by Bosshogg
07 Mar 2010, 02:48
Forum: Misc. Forum
Topic: Dream Lifter
Replies: 13
Views: 579

Re: Dream Lifter

In September Atlas takes over the contract, some think because they are a major buyer of the 747-8. Evergreen is quite upset, since they didn't get a chance to re-bid.
by Bosshogg
06 Mar 2010, 15:06
Forum: Misc. Forum
Topic: Cars...
Replies: 28
Views: 1311

Re: Cars...

by Bosshogg
06 Mar 2010, 14:34
Forum: Misc. Forum
Topic: Dream Lifter
Replies: 13
Views: 579

Re: Dream Lifter

Great shots, I live near KPAE and often see them in the air. I guess Evergreen has lost the contract has operators Atlas will take their place.
by Bosshogg
03 Mar 2010, 20:33
Forum: Misc. Forum
Topic: Pilots and ATC...React!
Replies: 9
Views: 538

Re: Pilots and ATC...React!

As a retired air traffic controller, I resemble that remark! I also condemn this controller's actions as very unprofessional and otherwise stupid.
by Bosshogg
17 Dec 2009, 00:15
Forum: Real World Military
Topic: Raptors return to KLFI
Replies: 0
Views: 126

Raptors return to KLFI

Link from the Virginian Pilot
by Bosshogg
11 Nov 2009, 17:24
Forum: Misc. Forum
Topic: "We Will Remember Them"
Replies: 5
Views: 336

Re: "We Will Remember Them"

Happy Veterans day to all who have served and sacrificed. I am proud of my 23 years and truly grateful to all of you for your service.
by Bosshogg
09 Nov 2009, 22:19
Forum: General Projects
Topic: NAS Oceana
Replies: 190
Views: 19760

Re: NAS Oceana

Actually I meant sw.
by Bosshogg
09 Nov 2009, 22:18
Forum: General Projects
Topic: NAS Oceana
Replies: 190
Views: 19760

Re: NAS Oceana

Is that Lynnhaven mall se of the field, or at least a close facsimile?