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by Victory103
30 Sep 2007, 03:56
Forum: MAIW Package Support For FS9
Topic: Southeast ANG package by MAIW
Replies: 26
Views: 3567

Just wondering what the updates include, as I have the original DB packages. I'm in the Sandbox and my connection is not the best, 32megs would kill my server.
by Victory103
24 Sep 2007, 04:00
Forum: Real World Military
Topic: Iran building its own fighters
Replies: 1
Views: 219

Yeah saw something months ago in Combat Aircraft mag, showing a picture of a twin tailed F-5. Of course the parts issue coming up last year when we sadly retired our F-14's.
by Victory103
17 Sep 2007, 23:33
Forum: General Military AI Discussion
Topic: Jacksonville NAS AFCAD?
Replies: 5
Views: 655

If you need anymore info I know the helo spots very well. Runway 32/14 is not normally used.
by Victory103
14 Sep 2007, 22:30
Forum: Screenshots
Topic: Messing around with Fraps
Replies: 2
Views: 347

Great job, that must of took some time to use the stock ATC voice!

I'll be doing this later tonight in the VATSIM skies over NTTR!
by Victory103
11 Sep 2007, 22:41
Forum: General Military AI Discussion
Topic: US Navy still fly the C-9?
Replies: 11
Views: 1056

Joseph29 wrote:Ok I found one problem. I named my C-40's traffic bgl as VR-58, but the planes are VR-59 :lol: .
(is "City of Orange Park" base at Jacksonville too?).
Right, that one should be VR-59 "Sunseekers" C-40 out of KNIP, Orange Park is a suburb of Jax.
by Victory103
10 Sep 2007, 03:48
Forum: Screenshots
Topic: T-44 at Corpus
Replies: 9
Views: 937

Ok, thanks I have just about all of his helos.

Any idea on a release date?
by Victory103
05 Sep 2007, 22:22
Forum: General Military AI Discussion
Topic: Montgomery, Alabama
Replies: 22
Views: 1776

There is another thread about all of these Air National Guard packages being updated. So we should have an updated package soon.
by Victory103
04 Sep 2007, 23:51
Forum: Misc. Forum
Topic: I know its payware, but....
Replies: 5
Views: 638

Great, just when I was getting really good at AFCAD. Is everything going to payware?
by Victory103
04 Sep 2007, 23:46
Forum: General Military AI Discussion
Topic: Montgomery, Alabama
Replies: 22
Views: 1776

Its over at Its the SouthEast ANG package. You'll get HTAI's awesome AI F-16C/D's plus some C-26's for MGM.
by Victory103
03 Sep 2007, 05:31
Forum: Screenshots
Topic: Ellsworth Nose Arts
Replies: 4
Views: 415

Very cool, saw that as I just got the package installed! You guys and your attention to detail!
by Victory103
27 Aug 2007, 06:12
Forum: Screenshots
Topic: T-44 at Corpus
Replies: 9
Views: 937

Looks good, which H-53 and HU-25 are you using for those pics?
by Victory103
22 Aug 2007, 01:40
Forum: Screenshots
Topic: T-44 at Corpus
Replies: 9
Views: 937

Nice, just looking over my HTAI models and noticed I had all the repaints, but have yet to set up flight plans and find a good AFCAD For Corpus. Now we need those T-6's.
by Victory103
15 Aug 2007, 05:25
Forum: AI Aircraft Design
Topic: P-3, Revisited
Replies: 167
Views: 12233

Great job so far guys! I started my military career at Navy Jax with P-3's overhead all the time. I'm using M. Stone's Orion now, but can't wait to see this one!