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Project abandoned (for now)

Since Matrix support is now terminated, this forum is now locked and will soon be archived.
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Project abandoned (for now)

Post by Greg »

Dear MAIW fans,

It is with a heavy hearth that had to take the decision to abandon Matrix, both the current version and the development of Matrix2.

My personal and professional lives have changed drastically in the past six months and are about to change even more. I need all my free time to devote to my family, my health and other projects leaving very little if anything for this hobby. And to be honest, MSFS not living up to its reputation of being the "one sim that brings us all" without any sort of perspective has deprived me of my last motivation. I can't go back to P3D and frankly I don't want to.

I will do my best to continue supporting this site and fantastic community through our upcoming 15th birthday, but you will no longer see any new versions of Matrix or updates to the regions. However, I'll keep the download server running as long as current donations allow.

My apologies for the ruined expectations and broken promises.

Take care.
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Re: Project abandoned (for now)

Post by jimrodger »

Very sorry to hear, but self and family have got to come first.
You should be very proud of the work you've done.

Hope life and work takes a turn for the better.

All the very best


Sent from my SM-A405FN using Tapatalk

"When all else fails, and your AI doesn't show up...... check the AI slider.......DOH!!!!"
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Re: Project abandoned (for now)

Post by f4nutter »

sorry to hear this Greg, I hope everything works out for you and thank you for all that you have done.
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Re: Project abandoned (for now)

Post by swp53 »

All the best to you and your family and thank you for all your hard work over the years.
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Re: Project abandoned (for now)

Post by Trevytt2004 »

Greg...your work has given many lots of joy and made adding packages easy. life outside sims must always take priority.

I hope things become more settled for you. All the best for the coming months.

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Re: Project abandoned (for now)

Post by VulcanDriver »

Greg, its only a hobby. Real life always come first. Take care mate. Best wishes to you and your family.

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Re: Project abandoned (for now)

Post by MIKE JG »

Greg it's been so great to watch MAIW grow under your dedication, leadership and hard work!

Life comes at us in many challenging ways and I think you will find that you'll always have your MAIW family here. Of course your family and friends at home come first, always!!!!

Please take care of yourself, your family, your friends and your home life. We are all grateful for your contributions over all these years. If you need to unload things MAIW related from your life, don't hesitate to do so.
-Mike G.

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Re: Project abandoned (for now)

Post by TimC340 »

Greg, thanks for what you've done for us. Even without further development, Matrix works brilliantly as a 'trojan horse' to inject stuff into P3D. Mine bears little resemblance to what you originally put out, but it does the job perfectly.

Look after the important stuff; if you decide to pick this up again in future, someone will have kept the lights on!
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Re: Project abandoned (for now)

Post by Victory103 »

I can't imagine the knowledge required to design Matrix in the first place, but I was beyond excited to see the program work and ease my P3D install. Knowing the whole time it was a work in progress, I patiently waited. Like Tim, I also just started adding packages as more models were converted and trying to source the FS9 scenery. I'm glad guys like you take the time to continue to improve on this relatively small community of simmers that also happen to be military aviation enthusiasts. On the timeline note, researching packages brought me back to the very beginnings of mil AI, seeing the HK F-16s on Avsim to the current Viper conversion. Thanks for all you do.

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Re: Project abandoned (for now)

Post by mage »

I'm not a Matrix user, just an old hand using manual installations for everything.

I had a spell many years ago where everything in life seemed to be falling apart, or about to. The hobbies were definitely not what was holding life together, and they had to be the first to get sidelined. Just put on ice for better times ahead. And I wasn't even developing anything close to complicated, just a dumb user!

The better times came, and they really were better - a lot better. Often these darker more doubtful chapters are just a prelude to our making a significant change that strengthens our foundations. If we're going to be doing serious work like that, it pays to be focused on it. Sad decision, but sound judgement call.

With MSFS upsetting the applecart at the same moment it's actually a great opportunity to focus where you can make a difference and then, if you get a glimmer of interest down the line, at least you get to know where all the apples rolled and you're no longer chasing a moving target.

Was that metaphor too tortured?

Either way, a sound judgement call given everything else that's going on in our worlds, and the world.
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Re: Project abandoned (for now)

Post by drpilotw99 »

Best of life and luck to you Greg. This is and always will be one of the finest hobby websites and resources on the entire internet due in no small part to your dedication and passion.
As an FS9 diehard I will still enjoy (and occasionally contribute to) this wonderful place.

Be well,

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Re: Project abandoned (for now)

Post by usndog »

I wanted take a moment to add my, belated, thank you for your work.
I have also donated to the cause on occasion as a form of appreciation for the effort to help make sims better. Due to my limited time I am the type of sim pilot that likes to jump in and go but with all the realism as possible. Given my preference for military aircraft I have always looked for what you all offer. I also do not have the time or really patience most of the time to either design or implement the sceneries. Or for the matter to constantly debug my configuration when I have "mistakenly" overlaid multiple scenery elements.
This is a long way of saying again thank you for making a tool that made it possible to easily build up my sim world.
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Re: Project abandoned (for now)

Post by Greg »

Hey guys,

Next week will be the last week of the sunset period for Matrix. As from November 1st, the Matrix download server will be offline and the app will no longer work.

Thank you for all your support over the years.
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Re: Project abandoned (for now)

Post by Jim »

Thanks Greg, Was brilliant while it lasted!

I used Matrix as the starting point to build mil AI & scenery into my system. It was invaluable for me as a novice.

All the best,
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Re: Project abandoned (for now)

Post by msm8378 »

Best of luck Greg and thanks for all you have done over the and self always come first over "hobbies"...
