Trevytt2004 wrote: ↑03 Aug 2023, 23:50
Ian's EGUL, as nice as it is...even with static scenery present, is a ghost town and really hope one day the F15's and F35's can grace the skies. I reinstalled P3D but quickly went back to MSFS as the sim just offers too much scenic goodness. Civil AI delt with via justflight and fsltl certainly is impressive...i wonder whether a military injection could be feasible using one of the ads-b radar providers? much the same way fsltl piggyback off fr24 data.
Hoping Ian can update his scenery with some moving US vehicles around the perimeter roads while we await some sort of military AI.
Hi Trev,
Thanks for posting.
The situation with Lakenheath from our perspective is surrounded by disappointment. John and I readied the converted MSFS F15's and F35's models ( BTW, the F-35s have the most extensive PBR development time spent on them to date ) and then a couple of things happened.
A change of direction by one of our development team who was responsible for the F-15E's and F-35A's Traffic ( flight plans ) creation and also Asobo breaking the MSFS AI Traffic Offline system. Added to this, we also lost Ian's support as he has now gone into payware as you know.
All of this obviously brought our very much anticipated MAIW MSFS Lakenheath package crashing to its knee's.
So where does this leave us ?
Well, what I have managed to do is get our MAIW custom traffic working again and how this has been achieved is well documented in other recent posts.
This means we can potentially continue to use Traffic Packages which were originally from FSX or P3D that are already available to us in the MAIW Hangar. The same goes for Scenery Packages, although a little bit of adaption might be required.
These are thought of as interim solutions only.
As for Ian's Payware Scenery of Lakenheath for MSFS and what his plans are for it, I don't know. Hypothetically, We have got the F-15E's and F-35A's models ready to populate such a scenery, the F-15E's are all painted, some of the F-35A's are painted, but a few more would be required to be done by now. We have the AIG Traffic Controller capable of injecting the F-15E's and F-35A's into the Scenery.
What we don't have, is up to date flight plans ( a Traffic .bgl ) for the F-15E's and F-35A's currently based at Lakenheath, which would be required to support this Scenery. We would need a specialist Traffic developer to volunteer to create such Flight Plans ???
There are other considerations, Ian would be required to do another version of his Lakenheath Scenery, without the Static models which I believe populate the scenery currently. He would also have to implement the correct AI Parking for the Current Squadrons of the F-15E's and F-35A's Aircraft.
Also, as far as I am aware however, MAIW has never supported a Payware development.
So you can already see that there would be lots of issues that would be needed to be overcome, to achieve this.
In answering this specific question directly -
" I wonder whether a military injection could be feasible using one of the ads-b radar providers? much the same way fsltl piggyback
off fr24 data "
I am no AI Traffic expert, but I think this is something for the future may be. You have to remember that what you are suggesting would be " Live Traffic ", so any " Retro " Scenery/ Traffic Package would not be able to be handled in this way.
Hope this helps give some perspective on this,
Best regards,