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Flightplan issues with German tornado package FSX

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Flightplan issues with German tornado package FSX

Post by Hook744 »

I have a bit of a problem. it seames like the flightplan for the German tornado package FSX dont function on my FSX.
The aircrafts does not show.

I made a simpel small flightplan my self with a few of the tornados just to test if the aircraft will show and they show at all the airbases i have selected also at ETNS, ETSB and ETNN.

Does anyone have any idea whats wrong or may what i doing wrong?

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John Young
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Re: Flightplan issues with German tornado package FSX

Post by John Young »

99.9% of the time, when AI aircraft don't show in FSX, when all the files are in the right place, is because of the presence of a traffic file in your FSX installation that is formatted for FS9. It uses a different day of the week numbering that is not recognised by FSX. It then kills all the AI in the catchment area.

The best way to find any such files is to use the facility in the drop down menu of AI Flight Planner. It will also convert any FS9 files to FSX format if you ask it to.

The longer way to find any rogue files is to temporarily remove all traffic files except for the German Tornados. If they show, you will know that you have an FS9 file somewhere. Put half back in the folder and test again. Use a process of sub division until you find the rogue file.

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Re: Flightplan issues with German tornado package FSX

Post by Hook744 »

I tried to check for FS9 files on AI Flight Planner but it didnt find any. After that i tried to remove all traffic files except the German Tornado file.. still no Tonkas ingame.
Again I added my own small Tornado flight plan and the 5 aircrafts could be found ingame.

This is realy wired.. Could it be the waypoint files?

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Re: Flightplan issues with German tornado package FSX

Post by John Young »

If you could attach the traffic file you are having a problem with please Ulrich, I'll try it on my PC.

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Re: Flightplan issues with German tornado package FSX

Post by Hook744 »

Hi again

Its this package. ... p3dv4-jyai

I just downloaded it again and reinstalled it. but no luck...
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John Young
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Re: Flightplan issues with German tornado package FSX

Post by John Young »

Hi Ulrich,

The only two sceneries provided in the German Tornado package are Buchel (ETSB) and Schleswig (ETNS) - see manual. I have checked those two bases from a clean install of the package and the Tornados are present:





You need to look carefully and try some different days of the week, but you should see the Tornados hiding in the shelters.

ETNN is not provided and is purely used as a waypoint. The FSX stock airfield only has one parking spot in it and may be the wrong size. You could add some parking, or better still, you should be able to use the detailed ETNN provided in the later German Typhoon package, changing the parking codes as necessary. This is the link: ... x-p3d-jyai

Hope that helps,

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Re: Flightplan issues with German tornado package FSX

Post by Hook744 »

ok thanks
I will see if adding the Typhoon package will help.
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