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Inspired by John Youngs upcoming Westland Wessex packages, I've gone back through my hard drive and finished off some unfinished repaints and have uploaded them to the site. Please bear with the team until they are uploaded.
First I have uploaded repaints and flight plans for the Jet Provost T4s operated by the Central Air Traffic Control school at RAF Shawbury. These are for both FSX and FS9 and use John Youngs Jet Provost model. This adds some fixed wing traffic to go with Johns Gazelles and Wessex's at Shawbury.
Secondly I have uploaded some repaints and flight plans for the Westland Wasps of 829 NAS for Sean Galbraith's Wasp Model. With John talking about a Portland scenery I thought I should finish these as they were based at Portland, and I have them flying into Yeovilton and Culdrose amongst other places.
Continuing on the Retro Royal Navy theme, I have just uploaded some repaints for the transport aircraft used by the Royal Navy during the 1980's. These consist of the de Havilland Sea Devon and Sea Heron, which were based at Culdrose and Yeovilton respectively. The repaints use Dee Waldrons Dove and Heron models which are available from the Calclassics website. The models are for FS9 but work OK in FSX. I have included fight plans for both FS9 and FSX. If the problems with the library continue I may upload to Avsim or as well as here.
Lovely stuff.
On a related topic do you know if there are any paints for 207 Sqn RAF? I used to cadge a lift down to NHT quite often from CGY - they used to be the multi engined escorts for the Spits/Hurris from the BBMF.
Steve _______________________________________________________ Quid Si Coelum Ruat _______________________________________________________
Thanks Steve for confirming that models are still available. Sorry for any confusion. I downloaded the file some time ago and although I checked the link was still available, I didn't actually try downloading it again.
Regarding your question about 207 Sqn repaints, I'm not aware of any being available. Just Flight do a flyable version which has an RAF paint scheme, but no AI that I know of. I'll see if I can knock some up when I get a bit of time.
I'm glad that the repaints are as you remember the aircraft Steve. It's always good to know that your repaints are authentic.
Jorgen I believe that there are some P3D versions of the aircraft at CalClassic, but not being a P3D user, I haven't tried downloading them. I was only going to release the paints in DXT3, but I don't know if these are compatible with P3D or not. As there aren't too many I guess I do them in DXT5 as well if that's what's needed for P3D.
I still have a few tails to finish then I'll upload RAF Devons. I might upload my recent stuff to either Avsim or as well until our library is back on line.
Jorgen wrote: ↑07 Jun 2023, 16:12
I am waiting excitedly for the downloads to appear.
And I think there was a big conversion available somewhere of CalClassic aircraft to P3D standards, were the Dove/Devon and Heron not amongst those?
They are in my own folder of CalClassic AI for P3D. I believe they must have come from one of the five files at the top of this page Jorgen...
Using the converted CalClassic models, and running the textures through the "bmp2dds" converter makes the Sea Devons and Sea Herons show up just fine in P3D v. 5. - flight plans of course run through AIFP.
Thanks for letting me know about the missing textures Jorgen. In fact none of the textures were actually missing, I had managed to upload an old aircraft.cfg file by mistake. I had removed four serials of aircraft which had been grounded, and one was a typo. The 4 removed serials weren't included in the flight plans. Apologies for this.
I have attached a revised aircraft.cfg file which is good for both FS9 and FSX. I'll reupload the packages to the library, but I don't know how they'll take to process. In the meantime I'll crack on with finishing the 207 Sqn Devons.
Just installed the CATCS Provosts at Shawbury. An unexpected addition to the retro scene. Can’t believe Shawbury now has these alongside 2FTS Gazelles and Wessex. Thanks!