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Scenery and supporting AI for John's KC-390

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Re: Scenery and supporting AI for John's KC-390

Post by TimC340 »

Update from Steve: ... 32#p213832

This suggests that we'll lose the FTP temporarily, not permanently. I can't do much to provide a Brazil substitute today, but between my Facebook page and website I'll get something up by the end of the weekend. Hopefully it won't be needed for long.
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Re: Scenery and supporting AI for John's KC-390

Post by John Young »

In the meantime, we are pressing on, This is SBGP (Embraer) with night lighting in FSX:


I need to do the same thing for P3D next, the ground splashes being more tricky......

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Re: Scenery and supporting AI for John's KC-390

Post by TimC340 »

John, I’ll put together a quick ‘how to’ for P3D lighting this morning.
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Re: Scenery and supporting AI for John's KC-390

Post by Firebird »

I should say that that as I believe it the FTP server will be OK it is just that it will not be accessible from the website.

I can understand the desire to ensure that there are copies of everything kept in other places but unless my understanding is completely wrong you should still be able to store and access files from the FTP server.
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Re: Scenery and supporting AI for John's KC-390

Post by TimC340 »

Ah, OK Steve. That's rather different from the understanding I took from the earlier discussion. In fact, I've never accessed it from the website and didn't know you could! But if it will remain directly accessible, that's great. I can put my website on the back burner for now and get on with the Brazil stuff.

However, am I correct in my understanding that the Hangar won't be available from when an alternative website front end is put in place - until we find an alternative hosting solution? If that's the case, I'm guessing that it may take a while to find, fund, setup and activate a new Download Hangar. Obviously we'd like to publish the Brazil package here when it's complete, but is that going to be possible?
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Re: Scenery and supporting AI for John's KC-390

Post by Firebird »

Just to be clear. You have never been able to access the Developers FTP from the website, only the Hangar.

All developers should be able to swap/combine work through their current access method. I know that you guys have got safety precautions in place, understandably so, but we don't anticipate you being affected in that regards.
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Re: Scenery and supporting AI for John's KC-390

Post by TimC340 »

Pending the updates being completed, I thought I'd just tease some of the work I've been doing over the last week.

Canoas, day/night comparison in P3Dv5:



Early progress on Manaus:


Campo Grande (can't remember if I've shared these):

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Re: Scenery and supporting AI for John's KC-390

Post by TimC340 »

As promised (thanks Steve!) the FTP is still up and running. A few minor updates today (see the Documentation folder for information). I'm in for a minor operation tomorrow which may slow me down for a few days, so please bear with me.

I'd love feedback from any of you on any of the files uploaded to date. At the moment, really only the P3Dv5 elements are being updated by me as that's my preferred sim. FSX will follow in as much of a direct conversion as possible, but quite a few FSX airfields are already there in basic form. The traffic files are all in PV5 format, but the majority will work in FSX - you may find that one or two ICAO codes changed between FSX and PV5 so may need to be changed back, but AIFP should pick those up and do it for you.

I will test everything in P3Dv4 and P3Dv6 before we publish.

If you try the aircraft in FSX and they work without issue, can you let me know and I'll put them in the 'both' folder. If any don't work, also let me know and I'll see if either I can convert them or if we already have an FSX version in the MAIW portfolio (we probably do!)

Edit: oh, and if anyone wants to take on painting the helicopter fleets (apart from the Lynx), that would be spiffing!
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Re: Scenery and supporting AI for John's KC-390

Post by f4nutter »

I will get on the Helo's :D
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Re: Scenery and supporting AI for John's KC-390

Post by TimC340 »

Cheers Ray!
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Re: Scenery and supporting AI for John's KC-390

Post by TimC340 »

As mentioned on Tuesday, I was in hospital for a minor op yesterday. Perhaps unsurprisingly, I need a couple of days' recuperation and lack of pressure, so I'll be slowing down the work on Brazil stuff - not stopping, just taking it a bit easier!

I promised John I'd go back and look at SBAN again as it's not quite finished and needs a new phototile, and I really need to get it converted to FSX. That'll take priority over new airfields (there are only two more to do, I think), and then I can start collating everything for release. With a bit of luck, the issues at MAIW Towers will be on their way to being resolved and we can look forward to a release on here.
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Re: Scenery and supporting AI for John's KC-390

Post by John Young »

Best wishes Tim, for a speedy recovery.

Fellow contributors - I have finished the Embraer airfield (SBGP) for P3D, having made a few tweaks and added the night lighting:



I have used an amber tint to help soften the reflected light off the white hangar walls in P3D. I've done the same in FSX although the problem is not so acute. I have also added the Hungarian paint to the KC-390 and included the aircraft in a revised traffic file.

All the new files are in Tim's FTP folder. Don't forget the additional files in the P3D and FSX effects folders. In P3D, ensure Dynamic Lighting is switched on to enable the light splashes.

I think that's everything from me. I'm going to test all the P3D airfields for Tim, next and see if anything needs fixing. Tim is still working on the FSX elements and I will do the same for those when they are ready.

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Re: Scenery and supporting AI for John's KC-390

Post by TimC340 »

Looks great, John!

I've updated SBAN, though it needs a little more work I think. Please try it and see what you think. I've added the WIP files for SBMN and SBBE. They are far from finished, and I'm still experimenting with what library buildings look most convincing (I'm not - at this stage - going to be making more original buildings), but they'll accept the traffic that I've written. I had a bit of an issue with traffic at SBMN and I'm curious to know if anyone else gets it. I won't say what it is as I'd rather you looked at it in the round rather than troubleshooting a specific symptom! I have a few more traffic files to write, but you'll find that most of those in the FTP are finalised.

Some shots from the latest version of SBAN:








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Re: Scenery and supporting AI for John's KC-390

Post by f4nutter »

first batch of Helo's done H-36 and VH-36



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Re: Scenery and supporting AI for John's KC-390

Post by John Young »

Oh well done Ray. I spent my P3D time over the Easter break, testing the 11 airfields in the main package for successful AI departures plus the usual visual scrutiny. In the process, I think I have solved the problem that Tim found at Manaus (SBMN).

What was really nice to see was the coherence of the camouflage across the aircraft types at the various airfields. The painters have done a great job here and with the scenery enhancements, it's making for a great (big) package.

I'm not sure where we are with the airfields in the "Brazil Other" folder, but I can test those too, if it's not premature.

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Re: Scenery and supporting AI for John's KC-390

Post by Manschy »

Such a great project!
Regards, Manfred.
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Re: Scenery and supporting AI for John's KC-390

Post by TimC340 »

Thanks Ray!

I've been away over Easter, recuperating and reconnecting with family. John and I had a discussion yesterday about what still needs doing. This, as far as I can work out is it:

1. Relatively minor adjustments to the P3D airfields, though a couple need more work.

2. Conversion of the airfields to FSX (many of the minor ones have been done already, but need updating to incorporate later revisions)

3. Writing a few more traffic files (Tucano and big helos, mainly)

4. Preparing the documentation and structuring the package.

For release, I need to ascertain from Steve what the site's policy would be about including the MAIW-made P3D/FSX conversions of the F-39, F-5, P-3, A-29 and T-27 models. It may well be that we can only include the paints and aircraft.cfg files for these. Obviously John's models and Henry's C-208, for which we have specific permission, are ok. Subject to the Hangar reappearing in due course, I think I will organise it as a core Anapolis package (SBAN and SBGP plus John's KC-390, E-145 derivatives, and Henry's C-208 with Jon's paints and their associated traffic files), a subsidiary airfields package, and a paints and traffic package, with included links to the already-extant Brazil files in the Hangar. It may be that John would prefer his creations to be within their own wrapper, of course. I'd welcome comments and suggestions.
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Re: Scenery and supporting AI for John's KC-390

Post by f4nutter »

Tim. I was planning to do all the Helo's !

air force: H-36x13, VH-36x2 are done, UH-60x16 to be done

army: UH-60x4, EC725x14, AS550x33, AS656x33, AS532x8

navy: SH-60x6, EC725x13, AS350x17

all still to be done pending on models available or is this too much !
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Re: Scenery and supporting AI for John's KC-390

Post by TimC340 »

Blimey, Ray! If you’re up for it, fill yer boots!

However, it’ll take me a good while to prepare airfields and traffic files to accommodate all of this lovely rotary goodness, so it might need to be a subsequent release. That’s fine, I have no problem with it being in stages. Indeed, that might provide the structure for me to be a bit more ambitious with some of the other bases that I’ve created in very basic form so far.

Today’s task is trying to make sense of all the lighting effects I’ve created, rejected, recreated and failed to properly curate over the last couple of months!
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Re: Scenery and supporting AI for John's KC-390

Post by Joseph29 »

f4nutter wrote: 03 Apr 2024, 23:05 Tim. I was planning to do all the Helo's !

air force: H-36x13, VH-36x2 are done, UH-60x16 to be done

army: UH-60x4, EC725x14, AS550x33, AS656x33, AS532x8

navy: SH-60x6, EC725x13, AS350x17

all still to be done pending on models available or is this too much !
If you are going to paint the Black Hawks perhaps you can ask John Young to convert his Austrian Black Hawk model (he made it for FS9 but it never got converted) so the Brazil paint can have the radar dome that they have. ... B6giNdo%3D
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