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NBAI Airbus A400M Version 1

Non package releases from the MAIW Development Team
Théo' Fly
Posts: 1
Joined: 28 Jan 2017, 12:39
Version: P3D

Re: NBAI Airbus A400M Version 1

Post by Théo' Fly »

So nice, thks !!!
Posts: 2276
Joined: 06 Mar 2011, 16:48
Version: FS9
Location: Belgium

Re: NBAI Airbus A400M Version 1

Post by TheFoufure »

MIKE JG wrote: 12 Oct 2016, 13:41 Yes we can update them when we have time. What specifically are you looking for, repaints or flight plans or new model versions??
MIKE JG wrote: 12 Oct 2016, 17:25 May do the tanker version if it ever comes into active service. As far as repaints, which ones are you requesting? The serial number paints are not that hard to do from the paint kit. One of us can probably accomplish that.

Someone else around here can probably make some flight plans for them.


The tanker version is now active since some times with German Luftwaffe for refuelling thier Tornado and Eurofighter. Their also refuel other Nato fighter over Germany and Poland sinc Ukrainian war.

France also introduce the Tanker version in his inventory some times ago.

Is it possible to have this version (for FS9) ?

I'm also searching mor French AF repaints and FP ? Someone have that ?

Thanks a lot.

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