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JYAI UH-1 Huey

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JYAI UH-1 Huey

Post by John Young »

It’s been quite a difficult summer with the sudden loss of our beautiful Cocker Spaniel “Muffin” due to an aggressive form of cancer. He was only 7 years old and very active until two months prior to his loss. I haven’t felt like designing since we lost him.

We miss him terribly, but I’m just at the point where I want to try and get back into the swing of things, so this week I had a go at something I know people here have wanted for some time – the Huey UH-1. I picked the D/H model – same airframe for each I think, but different engines inside the same cowling. Some 2008 of the “D” model were produced and 5435 of the “H”, the latter incorporating some “D” conversions. This is the model in Gmax:



With that number of helicopters built, it could be difficult to pick representative units to paint, never mind getting the right serial numbers. Does any one have a particular affinity with any particular “D” or “H” unit, or if not, would really like to see a particular paint, please? If scenery exists for the unit, that would help in the decision making.

Next job is to set the Huey up in FSX/P3D, test the lifts and then start the texture sheet layout and mapping.

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Re: JYAI UH-1 Huey

Post by Jim »

Sorry to hear John, that is heartbreaking. Hope it helps to be back at the drawing board. Your Huey will certainly lift spirits here.

A quick look on Wiki surprised me that there are so many forces still using them, though I didn't look to see which models. Painters may be lining up their brushes already.

Selfishly, I'd love to see some US Army retro units based in West Germany, as I did some simple 80's sceneries that need populated (Bad Kreuznach, Fulfa, Goppingen). I have no problem with anyone making improved MAIW-standard sceneries there, btw. (I see UH-1H were also at Giebelstadt.)

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Re: JYAI UH-1 Huey

Post by jgowing »

Sympathies, John. We lost our border collie quite a long time ago, but I remember all too well how hard it was.

I'll second Jim's shout, as I was in Fulda for a while in the 80's. It was nothing to do with the Hueys, I should add, but I certainly remember seeing them often.

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Re: JYAI UH-1 Huey

Post by TheFoufure »

Hello John.

Losing a pet is very painful, because it is the loss of a family member. They live with us 24/7 and are endearing. They bring us more than we can give them.
I understand your feelings very well. Courage.

For the Bell UH-1, I think that the Luftwaffe used (or still uses) the D version, especially in the SAR mission.

The USAF still uses them for ICBM missile sites.

It should be easy to find the serial numbers of these.

Concerning the others, no complete unit to make, but examples from photos, such as those of Vietnam, USAFE etc etc.

PS. Will there be armed versions? With rockets, with gunner? With or without side doors?
A medevac version?
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Re: JYAI UH-1 Huey

Post by JBD »

No words about Muffin John. I’m sure he had a good life as your companion.

As for the UH-1 my hope would be for HTG-64 at Ahlborg. Det 3 A-10s were co-located there during the late 1980s. A perfect excuse to modify the scenery that accompanied your Meteor.
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Re: JYAI UH-1 Huey

Post by flyerkg »

Hello John, I send my condolences for your loss of Muffin. My favorite cat is also named Muffin and I know he meant a lot to you.
Thank you so much for your design efforts and dedication to the community.

I might be able to paint a few USAF TH-1H for 23rd Flying Training Squadron if you provide a paintkit.
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Re: JYAI UH-1 Huey

Post by flyerkg »

Many serial numbers can be found on
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Re: JYAI UH-1 Huey

Post by John Young »

Thank you all for your kind comments regarding our sad loss of Muffin.

I have the UH-1 operating nicely in FSX/P3D with the animated lifts and FDE. Here it is in its naked state prior to texture mapping:


The suggestion for some Germany-based units is a good one. For those interested in a combat scenario, I can add a gunner in the cabin (probably minus the doors) as a separate model. The UH-1N is an example I should also cover. Scramble shows the maximum 30 serial numbers for USAF examples, but I know there are quite a few more. They are slowly being replaced by the MH-139A Greywolf in the Ballistic Missile base security role, but a refurbishment program, I believe will keep the UH-1N in service for a few years yet. The “N” model will need a different engine cowling, FLIR under the nose and additional antennae. No problem with that.

Because of the sheer numbers of UH-1’s produced, my aim is to produce a good paint kit and give the painters here free range to exercise their skills in whatever direction they might want to go.

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Re: JYAI UH-1 Huey

Post by Victory103 »

Sorry to hear John on your loss, I have a female GSD getting up in age that I have to watch closely.

Huey has been on my wish-list for years, and yes the D/H are externally the same for AI use. On the US side, only the USAF TH-1s as mentioned are active as most UH-1s have been retired or moved on to other fire/government to be finally retired after 2nd careers. Correct on the 1N/212s, they will be replaced by the MH-139 in the future. The largest lot of current users would be in S. America. No shortage of retro repaints. I belong to a group that flies at least 6 UH-1Hs in the US (sadly I haven't got qual'd yet).

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Re: JYAI UH-1 Huey

Post by phantomfreak »

Sorry for your loss, our furbabies are so much a part of our family.

Might I suggest with the N that a model be done without the FLIR for a retro or VIP configuration.

Would a B/C variant be possible as well or would that be almost a completely different model?
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Re: JYAI UH-1 Huey

Post by John Young »

Thanks again guys.

I don't really want to touch the B/C models because of their much shorter length. That would mean a complete rebuild of the fuselage, windows and doors, which is a lot of work.

I can do the TH-1 and the UH-1N, but just to be clear, the TH-1 looks the same as the D/H externally. Is that right?

The UH-1N has the different engine cowling (intakes each side), plus the FLIR under the nose and additional sensors? For a retro or VIP variant of this model, only the engine cowling would need changing?

I think I read that the UH-1N is undergoing a refurbishment program to keep it in service for another 10 years. Is that right?

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Re: JYAI UH-1 Huey

Post by Jorgen »

Yes, the cowling on the UN-1N is different from the -D/H, because it is twin-engined (PW PT-6). For a retro or VIP variant, I would believe that only the cowling should be changed.

The USAF also used the UH-1F, where the cowling is also a bit different (not much) from the -D/H because of a different engine (GE instead of Lycoming) and gearbox.

As far as I know, the refurbishment of the UH-1N was only comtemplated.

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Re: JYAI UH-1 Huey

Post by Joseph29 »

Sorry to hear about your Cocker Spaniel. I know what you are going through, this past Christmas eve we lost our cat to cancer. He was 17 years old (we had him since he was born).

Looking forward to the new model! Looking good so far!
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Re: JYAI UH-1 Huey

Post by phantomfreak »

For the UH-1N some have the FLIR sensor and some do not, the tail rotor is also on the opposite side of the tailboom. The tail rotor is also on the opposite side on some D/H variants as well.
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Re: JYAI UH-1 Huey

Post by John Young »

Thank you for that. Keep the hints and tips coming please. The tail rotor itself seems quite variable in colour - some grey, some black, some with a yellow tip, some with no painted tip and some with white bands along the length. Maybe the easiest solution would be to provide some alternative rotor textures and users can pick and mix.

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Re: JYAI UH-1 Huey

Post by flyerkg »

Things are looking great for your Huey. I'm glad you are also discussing UH-1N.
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Re: JYAI UH-1 Huey

Post by Victory103 »

Small issue with the USAF TH-1s is the use of the long nose from the UH-1N/B212 on the single engine H fuse. I just picked up L. Drendel's "UH-1 Huey Illustrated" book and see the early common t/r was a yellow tip.

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Re: JYAI UH-1 Huey

Post by Delboy99 »

Sorry to hear about your loss John. We lost our cocker a few years ago now, so I know how tough it is. It's great to see you back here modelling again. The Huey model looks great. I'll be happy whichever models you choose to do. So long as there's a paint kit I'll be happy.
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Re: JYAI UH-1 Huey

Post by Jorgen »

I seem to remember (to my ailing mind it could have been from an issue of Jane's) that at one time the Iranians were at least contemplating license-building the UH-1H, but with a 2,000 SHP engine. From the pictures I recall it looked pretty much like a normal UH-1H.

And, also that this variant actually was built by Bell at least as prototypes and called the Huey Tug...

But it could be that I am mixing things up.

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Re: JYAI UH-1 Huey

Post by John Young »

I have the UH-1D/H models made. There are two variations currently – the base (empty cabin) model and a gun crew model. Note that the markings are not accurate at present, they are there to test the mapping:







Sorting out just what to paint up for these US Army retro models looks a bit difficult from what I have researched so far, but I’ll continue with that later.

Next job is to tackle the USAF UH-1Ns and TH-1Hs that are currently in service.

The units (37th HS, 40th HS, 54th HS) guarding missile bases, have 7 UH-1N’s each and are based at Warren, Malmstrom and Minot AFBs respectively, according to Scramble. They are painted in 3-tone wrap-around camouflage.

Other UH-1N units, in the search and rescue role, are at Kirtland AFB (9 aircraft) and Fairchild AFB (4 aircraft). Two aircraft are at Hulburt Field for testing. Yokota (Japan) has 4 UH-1N’s in the high viz grey and white livery operating in the airlift role.

The 1st HS at Joint Base Andrews. according to Scramble, has 25 UH-1N’s for VIP emergency transport, painted in high viz VIP livery.

The 23rd FTS operates the TH-1H at Fort Novosel, Alabama ( KOZR)in the training role and has 22 aircraft in an overall grey livery.

The models and paints for all the above are doable and I have the serial numbers. I’ll get on with those.

Relevant scenery is generally available in the default FSX and P3D, except for Warren AFB (KFEW), which doesn’t appear to exist at all. The default Fort Novosel (KOZR) is quite reasonable, as is Kirtland (KABQ), but Malmstrom (KGFA), Minot (KMIB) and Fairchild (KSKA) are quite lacking. Does anyone have any freeware recommendations (ideally MAIW) for any of these airfields please and where to find them? We already have good custom scenery for Hulburt Field and Yokota. Not sure about Andrews Field.

Upwards and onwards………

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