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Unknown Issue Opening .CFG Files

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Unknown Issue Opening .CFG Files

Post by Reggie »

I'm having a bit of a problem that I can't figure out. Recently, I started getting these two boxes when I try to open a .cfg file. I can get the file open, but after making any changes, it will only save the file to a ".txt" file. I then have to change the suffix from "txt" to "cfg", and sometimes have to restart my computer to get it to take. This just started about two weeks ago. Prior to that, I could easily open a .cfg file, make changes, and Word would save it back to a .cfg file. I didn't get all of these conversion notifications.

Appreciate any assistance,
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Re: Unknown Issue Opening .CFG Files

Post by Jorgen »

Using a wordprocessor like Word for editing .cfg files?

Use an editor like Notepad, Wordpad or Notepad++ instead.

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Re: Unknown Issue Opening .CFG Files

Post by Firebird »

I would totally agree. Word should not be thought of as a text editor. it is designed for a different purpose.
I am not saying that you have to use a built-in editor like Notepad, I use UltraEdit myself, but it is designed for this sort of purpose.

The issue could have created by a change made by MS to either Word or Windows. I would definitely encourage you to use something designed for text editing rather than text presentation.

A simple thing would be to load a file you created into Notepad. If it looks fine then stick with that until you find something that suits you better. if it does not look like a plain text file then my guess is that is your issue and again try something else.

From your comments it sounds like maybe something has altered your default file type for .cfg files. I would check that out. also check that Word has not been set as default for .cfg files.
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Re: Unknown Issue Opening .CFG Files

Post by Reggie »

Interestingly, I've used Word for years to edit the .cfg files, but MS must have updated something. In any case, I tried it using Notepad and it's working as I need it to. I appreciate the input.

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