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JYAI UH-1 Huey

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Re: JYAI UH-1 Huey

Post by Jorgen »

I use this one for KABQ.

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Re: JYAI UH-1 Huey

Post by John Young »

I think there is more to it than a single .bgl Jorgen. The file is calling a whole series of custom library objects that are not visible. The scenery just looks like the unchanged default P3Dv5 KABQ. Can you say which scenery this is please and where to find it? I can then try it as it was intended.

The whole rendering of the KABQ default in P3Dv5 is pretty dire. FSX does it much better.

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Re: JYAI UH-1 Huey

Post by pslinger »

For FSX I installed:

Albuquerque International Sunport (KABQ) Version 1.00 for FSX by Matthew Derr

File name:

The commercial side is reasonable however the military side is barren, only five military parking spots. I hope this helps.

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Re: JYAI UH-1 Huey

Post by dari2010 »

Great work John. I like the helicopter Bell Huey. I hope the Bell 412.
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Re: JYAI UH-1 Huey

Post by Jorgen »

The one I use is David Midgett's KABQ for P3D v. 5, downloaded from AVSIM, and the original download is attached here.

On AVSIM I searched for "KABQ", and this file is on page 3. On page 2 you'll find the scenery Paul is referring to above.

David Midgett also has KABQ sceneries for FSX on there, and I think I'll conduct some experiments to see what these (and the one Paul refers to) look like.

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Re: JYAI UH-1 Huey

Post by John Young »

As I said Jorgen, the P3Dv5 version just looks like the default. If you open the AFCAD in ADE, you will see many non-stock library objects that presumably enhance the scenery. I have no idea where these are - they are not in the zip.

The FSX version looks much better, particularly with the photo-tile. I think I can make it work in FSX too, by creating a flatten file that users could add to the download.

The problem with both versions is the military parking. The FSX version has only 5 spots, while the P3D version has 25. I don't want to just park 9 Huey's there. They are part of the 58th Operations Group (Spec Ops) comprising 11 AC-130J's, 10 MC-130J's and 8 CV-22's. I can't really re-design the parking to accommodate the aircraft because I don't own the AFCAD. In any case, it's a big project to paint and program all the additional AI. I'd rather get on with Minot. The AFCAD.bgl files in both versions also contains the non-stock object placements. I can't re-compile the files, even if I had permission, because the objects will not be in the hard drive locations on my PC, used by the authors - even if I had them.

To answer the question about the Bell 412, I covered this earlier in the thread. The problem is the engine upper casing. I would need to re-design the texture sheet and do some re-mapping to accommodate it. Not out of the question, but not at the moment.

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Re: JYAI UH-1 Huey

Post by Jorgen »

Well, I did a couple of experiments, and was not very successful. There were some altitude issues that I could not resolve with my very limited (to put it nicely) experience with ADE.

But the P3D version would compile, and as far as I could see retain my changes, and at compile time did not complain about black box objects or missing object libraries. But then again I may have it all wrong.

I might play around with this for gaining experience for myself - and no violation of David's copyrights.

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Re: JYAI UH-1 Huey

Post by John Young »

Jorgen, did you see custom 3-D objects in the scenery before you re-compiled (compare it with the default) ? If you did, could you post a screen shot please?

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Re: JYAI UH-1 Huey

Post by Jorgen »

I'll see what I can do.

I have ORBX Global Vector and openLC North America installed, are those going to have any bearing on this?

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Re: JYAI UH-1 Huey

Post by John Young »

Yes, quite possibly, particularly if the add-ons contain Kirtland and are set to have priority in the library. See if you can turn them off while you view David Midgett's scenery.

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Re: JYAI UH-1 Huey

Post by Jorgen »

ORBX for P3D v. 5 does not contain Kirtland, Albuquerque or anything around there, as far as I can see.

Here are 3 screenshots from the threshold of RWY 3, default scenery: looking straight down the runway, looking about 90 deg. left and about 90 deg. right.

Is this useful?

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Re: JYAI UH-1 Huey

Post by Jorgen »

Well, how about that - forgot to attach the screenshots...

Screenshot (2).jpg
Screenshot (1).jpg
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Re: JYAI UH-1 Huey

Post by Jorgen »

And the last one...

Screenshot (3).jpg
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Re: JYAI UH-1 Huey

Post by John Young »

It's really David Midgett's scenery of Kirtland I want to see Jorgen, not the P3Dv5 default.

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Re: JYAI UH-1 Huey

Post by Jorgen »

Same views, with David's scenery installed.

Real life got in the way...

Screenshot (5).jpg
Screenshot (4).jpg
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Re: JYAI UH-1 Huey

Post by Jorgen »

And the last...

Screenshot (6).jpg
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Re: JYAI UH-1 Huey

Post by Victory103 »

I'll have a look as I'm also using my own P3Dv5 modification of DM's ABQ to get Kirkland AFB side up for the squadrons listed above. I had a plan to add a heli AFD to get the H-60/V22s out of the way of civ traffic.

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Re: JYAI UH-1 Huey

Post by John Young »

Jorgen, that's not the area I'm interested in, although the ORBX LC does improve the scenery. This is what I'm seeing on the USAF ramp:

KABQ P3Dv5 Default:


KABQ David Midgett:


I can't see any difference in the 3-D objects despite the AFCAD showing a whole series of non-stock library placements. As you say though, ADE does re-compile it without flagging an issue. The AFCAD does add more parking, but it's the wrong layout and I would need to delete the Huey spots to make way for the overlay.

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Re: JYAI UH-1 Huey

Post by Joseph29 »

What would happen with these helicopters if you install them but don't have a special AFCAD installed for them? Would they still show up at the scenery? I use payware scenery for Albuquerque\Kirtland and Andrews AFB and if I don't have a special AFCAD for them but they still show up at the scenery I would be fine with that.
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Re: JYAI UH-1 Huey

Post by John Young »

The overlay uses a very short (250ft runway) with a fictitious ICAO code and it's own parking spots for the helicopters. The overlay is positioned very close to where the helicopters park - ideally on the ramp.

Without that, the helicopters will land on a conventional long runway, but with a nose high attitude. They will also taxy unrealistically long distances to reach the conventional runways. That would involve distances of 2 to 4 miles at KABQ, which is plain daft for a helicopter.

3rd party scenery is adding to the mix problem, but it should be possible for users to move the overlay to suit the scenery they are using, simply by selecting the elements in ADE and moving them, changing the elevation if necessary. It's a very simple and small AFCAD and a "Pro key" is not needed to move it.

Users may however need to remove the corresponding parking spots in the 3rd party AFCAD to avoid a conflict. That might be a problem if the author has combined the AFCAD and library objects in one .bgl file. In that case, ADE will object when compiling, because the library objects won't be found in the location the author has used on their PC.

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