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JYAI UH-1 Huey

Previews, discussions and support for projects by John Young.
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Re: JYAI UH-1 Huey

Post by Joseph29 »

Thanks John. I am not very good with AFCAD stuff (I just add parking codes and resize spots now) but if it is easy (and no one does it) then I will give it a try.
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Re: JYAI UH-1 Huey

Post by John Young »

I have uploaded the Huey package, together with a paint kit, to the Hangar this morning. The package contains everything I have done with the Huey's and scenery, to date.

I am pressing on with a new Minot AFB for FSX and P3D that will accommodate the FSX/P3D MAIW B-52H's and my UH-1N Huey's of the 54th HS. That will be in a second release, possibly with Warren AFB and Kirtland, the latter, if we can find a way of handling the complexity.

Please allow time for the upload to be processed and made available.

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Re: JYAI UH-1 Huey

Post by Joseph29 »

They are done? That was quick! I wasn't expecting them to be released so soon.

I am looking forward to seeing them in my sim.
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Re: JYAI UH-1 Huey

Post by Pipercub1 »

Thanks for that, I bet you have answered a lot of people's prayers with this one, much appreciated, you've given me something to do for a wet Sunday
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Re: JYAI UH-1 Huey

Post by Victory103 »

Small typo in the aircraft.cfg for the "UH-1N_VIP and Airlift/Closed", there is a stray "." in the model= line.

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Re: JYAI UH-1 Huey

Post by John Young »

I can't see the typo Chris and the aircraft are showing in the sims.

What I have definitely done though, is leave out the effect files for the ground light splashes at Cairns AAF. I will include them in the next release, but in the meantime, they are in the attached xip - separate effects for FSX and P3Dv5.

JYAI Cairns AAF flood light
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Re: JYAI UH-1 Huey

Post by jgowing »

Thankyou, John, for yet another great package. There's a lot of appreciation out there, not always expressed, for everything that you create for us. I hope you've got a few more in you yet!

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Re: JYAI UH-1 Huey

Post by Jorgen »

I'll second that, Jon.

I believe that this will become one of the greatest military (and civil) AI packages, simply due to the number of Bell 205s built. Just like John's Hercules package.

I just made a flight from KOZR and more and less due north from there, and came across a couple of Hueys...

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Re: JYAI UH-1 Huey

Post by Pipercub1 »

Same as Chris I also had those stray dots in the model line, quick fix though
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Re: JYAI UH-1 Huey

Post by Jorgen »

Yep, I had them also. They are right after the equal sign in the model= line, from [fltsim.0] through [fltsim.16].

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Re: JYAI UH-1 Huey

Post by John Young »

Aha, I see what you have found now.

The strange thing is that having a "." at the start of the model= entries in the aircraft.cfg file doesn't seem to affect the visibility of the helicopters. That's why I was able to take the screen shots for the manual with the "."'s present. I double checked that a few minutes ago and the helicopters were all present at Andrews, despite the "."s.

I also verified that by adding "."s to the Minot Huey entries (the scenery I am working on at the moment). The Huey's still showed.

I have removed the "."s from the cfg file, just in case, and to save people doing the same thing, I have attached it here:

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Re: JYAI UH-1 Huey

Post by gapeters »

Wonderful package John! Thank you.

Hoping for some Kirtland paints and or plans in the future.

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Re: JYAI UH-1 Huey

Post by Victory103 »

Outstanding again JY on this iconic helo, had a chance to test most bases in P3Dv5.3 with stunning results. Need to get out to Andrews still. I have the large AIG AI sound set and need to figure out how to get that Huey "thump" blade slap for these over the turboprop sounds.

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Re: JYAI UH-1 Huey

Post by John Young »

Yes, I'd like to crack Kirtland too, but I don't want to have to build Albuquerque International Airport in the process and all the paints for the SOS types that are based there with the Huey's. I think because of the interest this has generated, I should also try and tackle the Bell 412 too and find a way of adding the top engine casing to the texture sheet.

In the meantime, I'm getting on really well with building a new Minot AFB for FSX and P3D after watching scores of videos and scouring the net for photographs to see what it looks like. I'm trying to use all custom objects. The MAIW B-52's are performing nicely on the AFCAD, as are my Huey's on the overlay.

I've also found a way of producing .psd (Photoshop) files for the paint kit. Paintshop Pro will only open files that are the same version or later than mine and PSP usually corrupts the files if I try to save them in .PSD format, that any PSP version will open. I downloaded GIMP, loaded the .psp file into it and saved it as .psd. That produced an intact and healthy file. I'll produce a version 2 of the paint kit with .psd files included. Just waiting for a test from a user to verify all is OK.

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Re: JYAI UH-1 Huey

Post by gavinc »

Haven't had a chance to install yet but going in for minor surgery on Thursday and then have to take it easy for several days - guess I will have to do nothing but play flight sim all weekend.

Looking forward to checking out the Hueys then.

Thanks in advance John
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Re: JYAI UH-1 Huey

Post by shaggy22 »

John Young wrote: 26 Nov 2024, 16:41 Yes, I'd like to crack Kirtland too, but I don't want to have to build Albuquerque International Airport in the process and all the paints for the SOS types that are based there with the Huey's. I think because of the interest this has generated, I should also try and tackle the Bell 412 too and find a way of adding the top engine casing to the texture sheet.

In the meantime, I'm getting on really well with building a new Minot AFB for FSX and P3D after watching scores of videos and scouring the net for photographs to see what it looks like. I'm trying to use all custom objects. The MAIW B-52's are performing nicely on the AFCAD, as are my Huey's on the overlay.

I've also found a way of producing .psd (Photoshop) files for the paint kit. Paintshop Pro will only open files that are the same version or later than mine and PSP usually corrupts the files if I try to save them in .PSD format, that any PSP version will open. I downloaded GIMP, loaded the .psp file into it and saved it as .psd. That produced an intact and healthy file. I'll produce a version 2 of the paint kit with .psd files included. Just waiting for a test from a user to verify all is OK.


I did this myself regarding converting the paint kits into psd format, it won't let me save anything into a bmp format at all. So I have to find an old paintkit & basically place it over the top of an existing paint kit. I had to do the same for the Alouette II as well

"Cluster bombing from B-52s are very, very accurate. The bombs are guaranteed to always hit the ground"

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Re: JYAI UH-1 Huey

Post by John Young »

Sorry Dan, what won't allow you to save anything in a bmp format and from what? I can go from Paintshop Pro (.psp) to GIMP (save as .psd) to Paintshop Pro (save as.bmp) without a problem - just tested it.

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Re: JYAI UH-1 Huey

Post by shaggy22 »

Sorry should've been clearer. Once I've converted it into a psd file, I then use "save a copy" & there are only very limited options to save it as, jpeg being one I think which is useless. There is no option to save it a a bmp at all if that makes sense.

"Cluster bombing from B-52s are very, very accurate. The bombs are guaranteed to always hit the ground"

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Re: JYAI UH-1 Huey

Post by John Young »

I've only played with GIMP for a few minutes and I too discovered that you can't "save as" a .bmp. However, you can use the "Export As" option to save the file in this format if you change the extension in the file name window to .bmp. Just tried it and it works fine. Paint Shop Pro also opens the converted to .psp in GIMP and that will then save as .bmp.

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Re: JYAI UH-1 Huey

Post by Delboy99 »

I've used GIMP for my repaints for years without any problems exporting. Save as only saves in files in Gimps own .xcf format, but export as gives you a huge selection of formats you can save as. You can type in the file extension in the name box as John said or click on select file type and that gives dozens of formats to export to. Windows bitmap .bmp is towards the bottom of the list. I tend to export the files as .jpg and use DXTBMP to convert them to the format I want.

The paint kit works just fine in Gimp, this is a repaint of the Huey I'm working on.

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