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Re: MKAI Puma/SuperPuma/Cougar
Posted: 05 May 2017, 22:26
by miljan
Cougar package has been updated

Re: MKAI Puma/SuperPuma/Cougar
Posted: 05 May 2017, 23:44
by Joseph29
miljan wrote: ↑05 May 2017, 22:26
Cougar package has been updated
What is the link to this update? I can't seem to find it.
Re: MKAI Puma/SuperPuma/Cougar
Posted: 06 May 2017, 08:06
by TheFoufure
Joseph29 wrote: ↑05 May 2017, 23:44
miljan wrote: ↑05 May 2017, 22:26
Cougar package has been updated
What is the link to this update? I can't seem to find it.
Not yet in the Hangar. lika all upload, the file must be validate by admin to be seen by users

Re: MKAI Puma/SuperPuma/Cougar
Posted: 06 May 2017, 08:26
by gsnde
No, it is already life. It is the original Package with an update sign and version 1.3.
They don't sort on top of the new files list after being updated...
Re: MKAI Puma/SuperPuma/Cougar
Posted: 06 May 2017, 08:45
by miljan
As Martin said ,
File is up under same name but another version 1.3
Re: MKAI Puma/SuperPuma/Cougar
Posted: 17 Apr 2018, 15:02
by miljan
Alright guys ,
I would like to ask community to download RAF Puma package and let me know if there are some issues with helicopter disappearing after landing.
Re: MKAI Puma/SuperPuma/Cougar
Posted: 17 Apr 2018, 15:18
by Firebird
Do you happen to have any details of where/when to check.
Is it as simple as every model at every base? Is it FS9/FSX specific?
I guess I should make sure and ask where exactly the (potentially) problematic package is?
Re: MKAI Puma/SuperPuma/Cougar
Posted: 17 Apr 2018, 15:23
by miljan
Sorry Steve this is the issue
"it bounces whilst taxing and sometimes will sink and smoke! when landing it goes up onto back wheels and tips up and sinks!"
As reported it happens on any airfield in FS9 but in this case I got screenshot from UK2000 Benson scenery.
Re: MKAI Puma/SuperPuma/Cougar
Posted: 17 Apr 2018, 15:26
by Firebird
No problem.
So FS9, and any base. To ensure I am testing the same thing as the user, where di they get the package from?
Re: MKAI Puma/SuperPuma/Cougar
Posted: 17 Apr 2018, 15:28
by miljan
It's available on avsim, I didn't find copy in our file base.
Thank you
Re: MKAI Puma/SuperPuma/Cougar
Posted: 17 Apr 2018, 16:06
by Firebird
OK I will try and hunt for it, hopefully there is only one.
Re: MKAI Puma/SuperPuma/Cougar
Posted: 17 Apr 2018, 16:24
by Firebird
OK so the package is the retro one by Chris A.
Did we never release an up to date one?
Just noticed that there are plans for them so I will have to create one or two as test. I hope that the plans are not the issue.
*** UPDATE ***
Ignore that. I just found your package, by accident, because I searched for 'RAF Puma' and it didn't show up.
Re: MKAI Puma/SuperPuma/Cougar
Posted: 17 Apr 2018, 16:31
by miljan
Thanks Steve
Re: MKAI Puma/SuperPuma/Cougar
Posted: 17 Apr 2018, 18:08
by mikewmac
I just quickly downloaded your file from the AVSIM Library and installed the contents into my FS9 setup, quickly created a new traffic file and watched two of your AS332L2 Super Pumas taxi out, fly closed VFR patterns, land, taxi back and park with no visible problems on either a regular 8300 foot runway or a 450 foot helicopter runway.
Re: MKAI Puma/SuperPuma/Cougar
Posted: 17 Apr 2018, 18:09
by jimrodger
Tested a fresh install of the RAF pack on FS9.
On landing the Puma rocked back and forward from nose to mainwheels for 3-4 cycles, stops and then taxis back to its parking spot normally.
Re: MKAI Puma/SuperPuma/Cougar
Posted: 17 Apr 2018, 21:02
by Firebird
OK I have finally got some time to check this and I got no errors at all.
Which I found a bit strange.
However, by chance I think I found the error.
My main folder has other similar models that use the same cfg file.
So I compared that one against the one in the RAF pack.
There are 3 extra lines at the bottom.
What I think is that on some peoples systems it uses the first section and the some the second section. It doesn't make sense but it is the only logical truth.
What I would say is try deleting those 3 lines at the bottom and try again.
I am feeling confident that everything will be fine. Of course this is confidence spoken by a person who never got the problem in the first place.
As a side note if it is of any relevance I was using Brian's scenery.
Re: MKAI Puma/SuperPuma/Cougar
Posted: 17 Apr 2018, 22:01
by miljan
Thank you guys.
Re: MKAI Puma/SuperPuma/Cougar
Posted: 18 Apr 2018, 20:05
by jimrodger
Removed the lines as requested....still bouncing about.
Re: MKAI Puma/SuperPuma/Cougar
Posted: 19 Apr 2018, 06:39
by Firebird
Which base and scenery are you using, Jim?
It might be the scenery so I would like to eliminate that as a possibility.
Re: MKAI Puma/SuperPuma/Cougar
Posted: 19 Apr 2018, 09:40
by jimrodger
Default MAIW Benson