Military AI Works • Help with some sticker on some military ATR's?
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Help with some sticker on some military ATR's?

Posted: 18 Sep 2016, 18:26
by Boeing 707
Hi all

Can some of you help me out with some sticker on some military ATR's?


Just wondering what the sticker is on the tail :?:

I also have thise to:

for the Pakistan Navy ATR 72-600


and this for the Turkish Maritime Utility Aircraft ATR's


So if any of you recognize the logo and stickers I'm looking for please do not hesitate to write where to find them.

Thanks in advance!


Re: Help with some sticker on some military ATR's?

Posted: 18 Sep 2016, 19:11
by jimrodger
The top one is an addaptation of the Sqn patch ... 2BFilo.jpg

The bottom one is a celebration of 100 years of Turkish Naval Aviation