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Royal Thai Air Force retires Pilatus PC-9

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Royal Thai Air Force retires Pilatus PC-9

Post by geoffj »

With thanks to Scramble

On Friday 2 February 2024, the RTAF said goodbye to the Pilatus PC-9 during a decommissioning ceremony at the RTAF Flying Training School at Kamphaeng Saen air base. Two PC-9s are kept: F19-08/34 is a gate guard at Kamphaeng Saen and F19-06/34 is preserved at the RTAF Museum at Don Muang.

The PC-9s are succeeded by twelve Textron Aviation T-6C Texan II, locally known as the T-6TH Texan II. The first Texans were delivered in November 2022, with the last one completing the order in August 2023.
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