Military AI Works • Windows XP SP3
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Windows XP SP3

Posted: 27 Dec 2008, 17:50
by campbeme
Just wondered if anybody got anything to report on SP3 for XP. Dont want to install it just by what MS say about it would like some feedback please.


Posted: 27 Dec 2008, 18:06
by sprocky
Installed it a few days ago. No problems to report - yet :wink:

Posted: 27 Dec 2008, 19:26
It won't install on my machine. I haven't tried "everything" yet but I've tried most of the recommended ways to get it to install with no luck. It gets about half way though then says something to the effect of "access is denied" then uninstalls itself.

I've also read that there isn't anything in it that is worth installing. I guess my question is, if you don't install it, will that cause problems with XP down the road if they produce a SP4.

I know SP2 was a pretty big upgrade but it doesn't sound like SP3 is that important. I'm probably wrong though.

Posted: 27 Dec 2008, 20:44
by Blank Fang
Installed it successfully quite some time ago without any adverse effects. However if you installed all servive packs up till now your are allmost there wehre SP3 brings you.
On the other hand if you install an new Win XP setup SP3 represents a tremendous shortcut to getting your machine up to date.

As for your question about SP4 if there will be any MS service packs so far have allway been cumulative i.e. all previous fixes were present in the latest instalment hence there was no need to go through installing SP1 and SP2!

Posted: 27 Dec 2008, 21:17
Good to know, thanks.

Posted: 27 Dec 2008, 21:59
by campbeme
Thanks guys for the Input.
