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Helo,this is my first topic and I will present you here some of my works...Because I am from Serbia I show you Serbian Air Force AI aircraft repaints first...
Yes it is Mehlin Rainers model.All textures I made in photoshop and I will put them for download somewhere.I will notify you all...
I made eight different paint Croatian Air Force Mig-21(every aircraft has different camo lines if you know what I mean) and ,for now sole Polish C-130.
As you can see I make stuff that is missing on the net at the moment
Last edited by miljan on 21 Sep 2009, 19:02, edited 1 time in total.
Because Bulgarian migs have 2-3 camo,I will make more bulgarian and then release them.Be patient
There are more projects for showing.
I wish to make some Mil repaints but I don't have paintkit...If someone has...PM me
Last edited by miljan on 21 Sep 2009, 19:00, edited 1 time in total.