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Scenery - Simple sceneries of hard to find air bases, pt.8: Various Modern & R Scenery - Simple sceneries of hard to find air bases, pt.8: Various Modern & Retro

On stock runways or from scratch. Not tested in FSX, but may work. Africa: DAAT Aguenar/Hadj Bey Akhamok, Algeria. GMMK Khouribga heli, Morocco. Asia: OAJL Jalalabad, Afghanistan. VIAL Bamrauli/Allahabad/Prayagraj, VICX(VIKA) Chakeri/Kanpur, VISP Sarsawa, VO28(VO0I) Hakimpet, VO45 Sulur, VODG Dundigal, VOTJ Thanjavur, VOTX Tambaram, VOYK Kendriya Vindyalaya/Yelahanka, India. WIHP Pondok Cabe, Indonesia. UA71 Karas/Zhem, Kazakhstan. OKDI Udairi/Camp Buehring, Kuwait. OP0K Murid, OP1Y Chandhar, OP38 Shakaparian Islamabad, OP39 Khalid Quetta , OPMS(OP20) Minhas, OPQS Dhamial, OPRZ Bholari, Pakistan. RU21 Pushistyy, Korsakov, Russia. VCCH(VC12/VC0A) Hingurakgoda, Sri Lanka. OSH1 Qabr al-Sitt/Beit Sahem, Syria. LTAB Guvercinlik, Turkey. Europe: LAGJ Zadrima/Gjadër, Albania. UMMK Ozerki, Belarus. UG25(UGGT) Telavi, UG26(UG0F) Kutaisi West, UG28(UG0H) Bolshiye Shiraki, Georgia. EDFZ Finthen, EDRT Trier-Föhren, ETHE Bentlage, Z11N(EDES) Darmstadt, (West) Germany. EIFR Finner Camp, Ireland. Nizhniy Tagil, Yasnaya, Russia. Europe/USSR Retro (mostly helicopter): EYKG Kaunas Gamykla/Freda, Lithuania (USSR). 1DEH(EDEH) Bad Kreuznach, EDEP Büdingen, EDEX Fulda, EDIB Goppingen, EDLZ(EDUS) Soest/Bad Sassendorf, (West) Germany. Yurya, Bologoye-4/Vypolzovo, Russia (USSR). LSMN(LSTA) Raron, Switzerland. Kostromo, Novo-Aleksandrovsk, Obor, Svobodnyy, Gornyy/Drovyanaya, Olovyannaya/Yasnaya, Pashino, Kartaly, Bershet, Derzhavinsk, Zhangiz-Tobe, Pervomaisk, Korosten, Ukraine (USSR). See notes on the forum - , where untested FS9 versions are posted.

Created 24 July 2023
Version V.1.0
Size 2.2 MB
Compatibility P3Dv4
Author This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Downloads 291
License Freeware (Limited Distribution)