This scenery represents my attempt to create Hamilton AFB (SRF) as it was during 1955 through 1962. This Scenery includes complete traffic files for 1955, 1957, 1959 and 1962 along with all the
...This is representative scenery for the base and whilst Google Earth was used for the layout, the buildings etc are placed using considerable artistic licence. Created using MAIW FSX library and
...A library of Hardened Aircraft Shelters for Cairo West AB. A placement file is included. A list of objects that this pack replaces is in the readme.
Scenery for Hindon AFS (VI39 in FSX, VIDX in FS9) intended for (but not requiring) Jim Rodger's Indian Air Force C-130s. Flightplans and repaints for C-17s at Hindon are also included plus
...Bases and flightplans for italian HH-101
The package depicts all the main airports where the Italian AW-139s are based, and the flight plans for all the helicopters. It is intended to be used in conjunction with the newly released
...This is the authorised amended version of work by Scott 'jetmax' Jones released back in 2012.. His original pack was each scenery split into two files afcads and objects so that users can
...K.I.Sawyer AFB circa 1990s This is version 2, and updates the airbase I released years ago on the MAIW forum. Included is a list of libraries I used and needed to be installed to see all the
...Westover AFB. Home of the 439th Airlift wing. Using the MAIW C5A's Heavy Lift Package. Full instructions for installation, Object Libraries used and where to find them.
Charleston AFB/Municipal Airport Scenery, 1957-1962. With Custom Hangars by Dan French, David Wooster's F-86L ai and repaints of the C-121C by Ken Lawson and Frank Gonzalez. Separate Military
...Completed after just over a year, Tony Dalton presents a complete custom rebuild of Charleston AFB (KCHS).
Please read the included read.txt file before proceeding for a manual
Patrick AFB using MAIW objects.