Whitehouse Naval Outlying Field - Jacksonville Florida. Includes Field Carrier markings and lighting for day and Night FCLP sessions. Working FLOLS and is compatible with vLSO.
Choctaw NOLF, formerly Eglina Auxilliary Field #10, is used by the United States Navy primarily for training by aircraft from Training Air Wing six from NAS Pensacola and Training Air Wing Five
...Updated version of my earlier upload of Norfolk Chambers Field Naval Station, VA. Tested with ORBX Open Landclass North America. Necessary libraries are listed in the readme. If not installed,
...NAS Lemoore has a long and important history for the US Navy. Commissioned in 1961, it is the largest Navy Master Jet Base and home field to the entire Strike Fighter Wing Pacific. Hosting 15
...In 1968, Imperial Beach was raised to the status of a full Naval Air Station. Since 1975, it has been designated as Naval Outlying Field Imperial Beach. Today, it is known as the
...An updated scenery of my Naval Base Ventura County Scenery. Now includes scenery library objects.
This scenery recreates Twentynine Palms Expeditionary Airfield on board the Marine Air Ground Combat Center Twentynine Palms. The EAF, built of aluminium matting, and the spartan facilities at
...NAS South Weymouth circa 1990. Representation of the former Naval Base with various objects and effects used from MAIW Team, John Stinstrom, Stewart Pearson and ACG scenery Group. Included is a
...Scenery of Tyndall AFB for FS9
The package includes files compatible for FSX and P3D Replaces default GA parking spots with MIL_Cargo parking assignments coded as C141 and supports C-141 flightplans by Dan Reeves & Matt
...This USAAF Fairchild - Washington was designed to compliment the MAIW 92nd Air Refuelling Wing package. Full instruction are included for installation plus a list of object scenery files that are
...This is a fully custom scenery design of JBSA San Antonio [KSKF] by Tony Dalton, MAIW Development Team.
Shaw Air Force base using John Tennent's Shaw objects (available in the download section) and MAIW objects.
139th AW ANG fly the C130H Hercules from Rosecrans Memorial - St Josephs in Missouri. When completing the Westover AFB I found that the MAIW SEANG package had the 139th AW visiting. There was no