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KRAI F-15 Issue

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KRAI F-15 Issue

Post by WB383 »


I'm hoping to get some help regrading the KRAI F-15. I'm not sure what's causing it but recently it has become unstable and "bouncing" all over the place. Its only the "C" model that has this behavior. Image

Any help or direction would be greatly appreciated

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Re: KRAI F-15 Issue

Post by Firebird »

If the issue is only with the C model then compare the .cfg with the D model.

When that happens the problem is that something has amended the .cfg file and put the balance of the aircraft out of wack.
If the worst comes to the worst download the C model again and copy everything from the fresh cfg BELOW the fltsim entries to replace what you have at the moment.

Now if this only happens at one base then its a scenery issue and that needs to be sorted out.
Quid Si Coelum Ruat
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