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jcapde wrote: ↑22 Jun 2015, 15:31
In progress; 2nd pack of 16 Jaguar E for late 80's period . 11th Wing , 7th Wing and CITAC 339
Two previews : E7/339-WH in grey/green camo and E32/11-YY in center africa camo (vanilla and chocolate !)
Hello Jacques,
Is this Jaquar Pack 2 ready ?
Do you ensiage to paint some A exemples (from EDAI model) ?
It is difficult for me to tell you this but Jacques will never release it.
He left the scene last year, not only about FS but in real life... His wife wrote me to announce this awful news and I've never been able to talk about this before cause we were getting really close by sharing our interest in the sim and the aviation in general.
He was beginning to produce and share a lot in this forum as he just retired but finally wasn't able to enjoy that much his fresh free time.
I will try to honor his memory by sharing the last file he sent me to test them, completing them with realistic flightplans as we did for the PC7, AJETs, C212 and FA20 of the french flight test center. This final pack will be an update of their Mirage 2000 fleet, he had time to paint a few of them to complement the Mir2D 644 painted by Mark "Tranquil". I'm sure he would be happy to see his work shared like the previous one with you all and I'll do my best to do it when real life give me time.
I will try to continue working (quietly I must admit and sorry for that) and share with you my work in FS. A few sceneries and realistic FP for the french aircraft/airbases.
I enjoyed very much looking forward to his packages and adding them to my system. I think that he would be both pleased and honoured that somebody he knew was continuing to work on the topics that he obviously enjoyed.
Jacques also worked quietly here but was still a welcome and valued member of our group so it seems fitting that his friend should continue in the same way.
Steve _______________________________________________________ Quid Si Coelum Ruat _______________________________________________________
I'm very sorry to hear about Jacques. I've long been a francophile, and over the years he was generous in his help on several sim related topics. Away from the sound and fury of military AI, we shared an interest in GA. Thanks to him many of the quieter places in my SIM are busy.
Sad news indeed about Jacques. I am converting the NBAI Jaguars for FSX/P3Dv4 and because Nick only did the British Jags, I decided to add the A and E models. I am using one of Jacques' paints on the WIP E model, he was the only one who made French paints for the NBAI Jaguar T4. I could not find any French paints for the single seater, I will try to do a couple myself.
Thank you all for your thoughts about Jacques. I will continue to help as I did with him (for sure Steve ), I have a good database about french aircrafts mainly. You work for the french Jaguars is great Henk. If you need some pics, I have a few ones so just ask