OK apologies for a lack of posting lately but due to a complete failure by my ISP I have been without a phone for nearly 6 weeks and broadband for 11 days. Nightmare. Anyway, finally back connected to the network.
So in the background work has continued prepping for Conversion Pack 3 with Kev.
He will release his P3D pack first, once finalized, and then my one will be released after that. It shouldn't be too long for his to be finished.
Now, there is an opportunity for anybody that would like to use Kev's latest paint kit to create schemes for countries that use the Block 20/20MLU versions of the aircraft.
The only criteria is that Kev would like his PK to be used and that 32bit schemes are are a must for him.
Any work done can be released as a stand alone package if they don't make the P3D release and I will issue an Conversion update for FS9 to incorporate the work.
If anybody is interested then feel free to either pm myself or Kev directly for more info.
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Re: MAIW_WSMG F-16's

Quid Si Coelum Ruat

Quid Si Coelum Ruat