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Brazil Project Support queries

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Brazil Project Support queries

Post by TimC340 »

Part 1 of the FSX and P3Dv5 versions of the Brazil Project has been uploaded to the site and hopefully will shortly appear in the AI Packages area of the Download Hangar. Subsequent Parts will be uploaded in due course through 2024.

If you have any queries about the content or use of the packages, please post them here and we will try to deal with them promptly.
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Re: Brazil Project Support queries

Post by petebramley »

Found you !!

Is anybody else having problems downloading from Avsim ?
Pete B
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Re: Brazil Project Support queries

Post by TimC340 »

Pete, I saw some references elsewhere on the forum about Avsim downloads. What are you trying to get?

Edit: just seen that you're referring to the Eduardo Mello paints for the A319 and EMB190. The links in the manual do go to the right place, but there appears to be a problem with Avsim's FTP server timing out. Standby for a PM in a few minutes...

re the two queries I've had so far...

SBGP (Embraer factory)

The query was:

"Since the manual tells me that the P3D version will work for me, I have also downloaded that version. However, the afcad in BOTH packages is called "AFX_SBGP.bgl". The 4 airfield files in each "scenery" folder have the same names, dates and sizes, so is this correct for P3Dv4.5/5?"

The answer is yes, that's right - the file names are the same in both versions. However, they are not identical. The P3Dv5 version calls the dynamic lighting effects whereas the FSX version does not. The good news is that John's v5 SBGP works in P3Dv4.5. That is not true of any of the other airfields in the P3Dv5 package.

Sadly, and mainly because of decisions and techniques used by LM when they created v5, many v5 airfields simply don't work in v4 - that's down to the use of the format that allows sloped airfields and aprons. Even though none of our airfields (or the stock airfields they replaced) are sloped, if the stock airfield was edited for v5 to use the new format the exclusions that we have to use to make a replacement work in v5 are not recognised by v4. SBGP was one of relatively few airfields that weren't edited by LM in v5, and so the stock airfield is exactly the same in v5 as it was in FSX - and so John's v5 airfield should work in v4.5 (now confirmed).

U-100 and U-93 Paints

In the manual I stated they were included in the package, and they aren't! My bad. Jon uploaded them to the Hangar some time ago and when I was building the package for upload there was an issue with the package size, so I deleted these paints as they're already available at MAIW. However, I can now make the package fit the upload limits including Jon's paints, so I will upload a v1.1 with the paints included. In the meantime, the paints are here: U-93 and here: U-100. Jon also did the Lear 35 and 55 in FAB colours, and these are also in the library. There is an HTAI model for the 35, and you'll find it is catered for in the Minor Transports traffic file, however it's no longer in service.

P3Dv4.5 compatibility

I've stated in the manual that we chose not to do P3Dv4.5 as we felt that covering V5 and FSX was quite enough workload, and we feel that these two sims are the most popular among MAIW users. The FSX files should work in 4.5 and earlier versions of P3D - but I'd like feedback on that. If there is enough demand, I do have the capability of recoding the v5 files to v4. I think that if I do that I'll just upload a bunch of files for you to do the updates yourselves, as it will be obvious where they go (they'll all be named ADEP4 instead of ADEP5). The updates would need to be applied to the v5 package, not the FSX one.
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Re: Brazil Project Support queries

Post by Joseph29 »

petebramley wrote: 30 Jun 2024, 14:01 Found you !!

Is anybody else having problems downloading from Avsim ?
Avsim said they are having server problems.
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Re: Brazil Project Support queries

Post by Joseph29 »

I am not sure if this would cause any problems or not, but I was looking at the flightplans for the new 390's and the aircraft speed is 940! That is like fighter jet speeds. According to Wikipedia the 390 has a cruise speed of 470 knots.
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Re: Brazil Project Support queries

Post by Firebird »

It depends on how you compile the plans.
I think that If you use AIFP it ignores what is in the plans and uses the cruise_speed from the aircraft.cfg. This is if you select the 'Always use the Aircraft.cfg cruise speed' option.

Of course, if have got this wrong feel free to ignore this comment.
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Re: Brazil Project Support queries

Post by Joseph29 »

Firebird wrote: 04 Jul 2024, 14:06 I think that If you use AIFP it ignores what is in the plans and uses the cruise_speed from the aircraft.cfg. This is if you select the 'Always use the Aircraft.cfg cruise speed' option.
I use AIFP and I did not know this.

Edit: I checked and the Aircraft.cfg cruise speed is 470.
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Re: Brazil Project Support queries

Post by Firebird »

There are a lot of options and is easy not to notice one or two.
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Re: Brazil Project Support queries

Post by TimC340 »

I can't speak for John, who designed the 390 and wrote the flightplans, but I can say he's hugely experienced and that the flightplans work perfectly.

One of the problems with writing plans for Brazil is the size of the country, and it may well be that the picture he wished to give with a fairly small number of aircraft requires unrealistic flight times in some circumstances. However, if you follow the AI it will use the configured cruise speed, not the flight planned cruise speed.
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Re: Brazil Project Support queries

Post by John Young »

I created the traffic files manually in text format and compiled with Traffic Tools, then converted to FSX format. I first determined the leg distances and got an idea of the flight time given the cruise speed in the aircraft.cfg file as a sanity check. I also confirmed the plans were good, by observing a sample of the spawning aircraft about 15 minutes away from the destination airfield, and they appeared as expected. I noticed that AIFP wanted to use a ridiculous cruise speed and decided not to compile that way.

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Re: Brazil Project Support queries

Post by Delboy99 »

Hi. Thank you for a great package and for all your hard work putting it together. I have noticed that the link to the UTT Embraer Phenom in the documentation is wrong. The link say the file is at AVSIM, but clicking the link tries to send you to, but I couldn't get it to work. I found the download for the UTT Embraer Phenom at using the search. It can be found here ... ase-model/. I think this is where the link is trying to send you, but I couldn't get it to work.
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Re: Brazil Project Support queries

Post by TimC340 »

Thanks Del. I'll check out what I did wrong and fix it for the next update.
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